Punched Potatoes


Milk Pizza Dough



Ingredients (4 medium size pizzas)

For the sauce

  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 can of tomatoes (400g or 14oz)
  • olive oil, salt, pepper, basil q.s.

For the pizza dough (4 medium size pizzas)

  • 320g (2 2/3 cup) flour
  • 20g (0.7oz) baker’s yeast
  • 1 1/2 dl (a little less than 2/3 cup) milk
  • water, salt q.s.

Instructions (Time: 3.5 hours)

Heat a pan and chop the garlic. Add some olive oil and the garlic to the pan.


Add the basil leaves and fry for just a minute. Add the tomato.


Season with salt and pepper and cook for 2/3 minutes. Strain the sauce and add it back to the pan. Let simmer until it thickens.


For the Pizza Dough

Start by making a well with the flour in a clean surface. Heat the milk until it is just lukewarm. Dissolve the yeast in a little bit of lukewarm water. Season the milk with salt and place both the milk and the dissolved yeast in the center of the well. And make sure to make a bigger well than the one on the photo bellow, otherwise things might get out of control with yeast and milk spreading all over your counter…


Mix with the help of a fork until you can start kneading the dough with your hands. Knead until you have a fluffy and elastic dough. You may have to add more water if the dough is too stiff. Form a ball and place it on a bowl.


Let it rise for 2-3 hours with a damp kitchen towel on top of the bowl. 


Once it has risen, divide it in four equal parts. 


For each part, stretch the dough out with your hands until the it is 1/2cm high.  


Preheat your oven to 220ºC (420F). Spread some tomato sauce on your pizza and add your preferred toppings. I started by sprinkling some mozzarella on top of the tomato sauce and then added some olives, sliced onions, sweet peppers and feta cheese. Bake for 8-10 minutes or until the pizza crust is golden.


And serve.

