Punched Potatoes


Easter Bread



Ingredients (2 loaves)

  • 475g (4 cups) flour
  • 190g (6.7 oz) butter
  • 180g (2/3 cup + 1/4 cup)sugar
  • 30g (1oz) of baker’s yeast
  • 15g (0.5oz) salt
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1dl (a little less than 1/2 cup) milk

Instructions (Time: 12 hours)

The night before, dissolve the baker’s yeast in a little warm water.


Add 100g (less than 1 cup) of flour to the dissolved yeast, and add enough water to make a small ball. 


Warm the milk, transfer it to a bowl and place the ball inside the bowl.


Let it rest until it doubles in size.


Melt the butter in a double boiler. Beat the eggs and add the salt, the sugar, the melted butter and the mixture of yeast and flour.


Knead the dough as if you’re making bread.


Cover the bowl with two kitchen towels and let it rise until the next morning.


The next morning, grease a baking tray with butter, place a baking paper on top, butter the paper and sprinkle some flour on top of it. Sprinkle some flour on your counter top and shape two large balls with your dough. Place them on the baking tray and let it rise for 2 to 3 hours. Notice that I only used half of the  necessary quantity of the ingredients and as such I only baked one bread. 


Preheat your oven to 210ºC (410ºF). Brush the bread with a beaten egg yolk and bake for 15-20 minutes or until it turns golden. Use a toothpick to check if the bread is done.


Let it cool down and enjoy it with some butter, jam, or on it’s own.
